Thursday, February 7, 2008



I start my week on Mondays
With a grateful and joyful heart
Because I’ll be seeing your smiles.
They are lovely and enchanting.

But Tuesdays are cloudy gray.
Days are gloomy without you.
My heart is melancholic because
You are no where to be found.

Wednesdays are anticipated.
I get to hear your voice and
Your laughter is like a sweet
Music to my ears – saccharine!

Thursdays are bluer than blue.
The sun doesn’t shine on me.
Days grow long and nights are
Longer without you here beside me.

Fridays have colors everywhere.
I can see rainbows in your eyes.
I drown with it but I can never
Tire myself just gazing at them.

But I love Saturdays the most.
It’s when I can spend time with you.
It’s the time I can be close to you.
Just You and Me and nothing else.

Then I end my week on Sundays
With prayers and hopes that time
Will flyby on days without you
And time will slow down on Saturdays.


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