Saturday, December 31, 2011

Inside My Heart

When darkness spreads over the sky
and the birds stop chirping from above...
When everything has quiet down
and all I hear is the ticking of the clock...
Just before I rest my weary eyes
I clasp my hands and bow my head...

I whisper to God my simple prayer
and thank Him for placing you
inside my heart.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

10 Habits for a Stronger Heart

The smartest plan for attacking a heart attack is, of course, preventing one from ever happening. Choose three of the following strategies and make them a habit. The closer to the top, the more you reduce your risk of heart disease.

1. Convince Your Wife to Stop Smoking
Nonsmoking husbands of smoking wives face a 92 percent increase in their risk of heart attack. Breathing secondhand smoke boosts bad cholesterol levels, decreases good cholesterol, and increases your blood's tendency to clot.

2. Work Out for 30 Minutes, Four Times a Week
Middle-aged men who exercise vigorously for 2 or more hours cumulatively per week have 60 percent less risk of heart attack than inactive men do.

3. Lose 10 to 20 Pounds
If you're overweight, dropping 10 to 20 pounds lowers your risk of dying from a heart attack. A 10-year study found that overweight people had heart attacks 8.2 years earlier than normal-weight victims.

4. Drink Five Glasses of Water a Day
Men who drink that many 8-ounce glasses are 54 percent less likely to have a fatal heart attack than those who drink two or fewer. Researchers say the water dilutes the blood, making it less likely to clot.

5. Switch from Coffee to Tea
A recent study found that people who drink three cups of tea a day have half the risk of heart attack of those who don't drink tea at all. Potent antioxidants, called flavonoids, provide a protective effect.

6. Eat Salmon on Saturday, Tuna on Tuesday
Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health say that eating fish at least twice a week lowers heart-disease risk by more than 30 percent. The magic ingredient is the omega-3 fatty acids.

7. Ask Your Doctor About Vitamin E and Aspirin
Men who take both cut the plaque in clogged arteries by more than 80 percent, according to a recent University of Pennsylvania study.

8. Eat a Cup of Total Corn Flakes for Breakfast
This cereal contains one of the highest concentrations of folate (675 micrograms) of any cereal. Taking in that much folic acid daily cuts your risk of cardiovascular disease by 13 percent, according to researchers.

9. Count to 10
Creating a 10-second buffer before reacting to a stressful situation may be enough to cool you down. Men who respond with anger are three times more likely to have heart disease and five times more likely to have a heart attack before turning 55.

10. Eat Watermelon
It contains about 40 percent more lycopene than is found in raw tomatoes, and a new study shows that your body absorbs it at higher levels due to the melon's high water content. Half a wedge can boost heart-disease prevention by 30 percent.

Friday, June 17, 2011

One Wish

If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I'm So Sorry

I'm really sorry if I made you mad
Coz sometimes I don't use my head
I say things that I do not mean
And now I don't know where to begin

I'm sorry if I disappointed you
That I know I could not argue
Though all I ever wanted for us
Is to have happiness that will last

I'm sorry if I got you confused
Baby I don't know what words to use
I can't even describe this feeling
Coz we have an indescribable something

I'm sorry if can't be that perfect
I'm no superhero what can you expect
I bleed, I tire, I fail like everyone else

But I can also care for you and love you...
Like no one else.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Celery Might Be the New Viagra

We’re constantly learning more each day about the benefits of a healthy diet. Now it turns out that the unsexiest vegetable may be the best one for your sex life! Yes, it's true; new research goes to support the notion that men who eat celery are better at attracting mates.

It all comes down to pheromones. The consumption of celery leads to an increase in androstenone, a naturally-occurring steroid (artificial androstenone can actually be credited with Mark McGwire’s record-setting home runs). This stimulates pheromone production through sweat, which in turn functions as a biological aphrodisiac for women.

But that’s not all! According to Dr. Judy Gaman, Dr. Mark Anderson, and Dr. Walter Gaman, authors of the bookStay Young: Ten Proven Steps to Ultimate Health, celery has some other effects, too. It reportedly increases sex drive and leads to a more intense orgasm.

What’s the best way to get maximum results from eating celery? “We recommend that a guy work out, have a nice warm shower, chomp on a few sticks of celery, brush his teeth, and then head out the door smelling good,” said Gaman, et al.

For those who are interested, other great aphrodisiacs include:











Most of these foods simply function to increase overall circulation, so getting your blood pumping through regular exercise can be a great aphrodisiac as well. And remember that no matter what research goes to show, living a healthy life is your best means of achieving sexual satisfaction.

Monday, March 28, 2011

10 Things Women Do Better Than Men

Women drive better than men.

Well this reverses a social myth – that women are bad drivers. Carnegie Mellon University researchers found after analyzing a lot of traffic data in 2007 that men are 77% more likely to die in a car accident than women, keeping the miles driven constant. So next time when your husband asks you to hand over the car keys, just give him this article.

Women remember appearances better than men.

Some would say, “Why not? Don’t women pay all their attention to appearances?” Well, say what you may, but only a loser complains about somebody for being better than him! Terrence Horgan, research fellow in psychology at Ohio State University, and her co-researchers found in a study that women are more accurate in describing appearances after seeing people once. The study was published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Women cooperate better than men.

We can see this everywhere, but still if you want a citation, here it is. A study by Rolf Kuemmerli and other researchers at Edinburgh and Lausanne universities indicated that women cooperate better than men. In the research, based on games played by 100 Swiss students, women cooperated with others almost twice as much as men did.

Women eat better than men.

This is probably not so obvious, for rarely do we notice gender differences in eating habits. A survey involving 14000 Americans, conducted by University of Minnesota, revealed that men are more likely to eat frozen pizza and meat, whereas women are more likely to eat fruits and vegetables.

Women perform better than men in timed tests.

So if time is precious, women are better at preserving it than men. A study by Vanderbilt University researchers in 2006 found that women score better in timed intelligence tests than men. The study, published in the May-June issue of the journal Intelligence, didn’t find much difference in un-timed tests, which meant women had a quicker mind.

Women perceive their relationships better than men.

Talk about relationships and most men will frown. Now you know why – they know so little about their relationships! A Hebrew University of Jerusalem study, after surveying 97 couples in the United States, found that women are more perceptive than men in describing their relationships. The study, published in ScienceDaily, reported that women were much more accurate in describing the perception of their partners than men.

Women communicate better than men.

This is now scientifically proven and acknowledged. Louann Brizendine, neuro-psychiatrist at the University of California at San Francisco, found in a study that women can process 20000 words a day compared to men’s 7000 words (Louann Brizendine,The Female Brain, Morgan Road Books). This difference, as per Brizendine’s study, is more biological than social, which starts as early as the fetal stage.

Women learn better than men.

That is why girls get better grades in school on an average than boys in many parts of the world. Dr Simone Kruger of Edge Hill University, UK, found in her research based on remote learners that women learners were more successful in sharing ideas and experiences with each other, and hence learn t more efficiently than men.

Women invest better than men.

You don’t believe it, do you? We all know fewer women invest in stocks than men do, but the few women who invest in shares do better than their male counterparts. A study by the National Association of Investors Corporation (NAIC) for the University of California found that women earn on an average 1.4% more than men in their share portfolios.

Women cope with stress better than men.

A study at the University of California, Los Angeles, published in the July 2000 issue of Psychological Review, found some biological and behavioral differences in the ways men and women cope with stress. It found that women tend to seek contact with others and social support when they are under stress, which is a psychologically much better way of coping with stress than the “fight-or-flight” approach of men.

Of course, there are other studies which indicate men are better than women in various skills. The point I want to make is not that women are better than men in everything, but that men should stop underestimating women after being proven wrong time and again.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Seven Types of Guys Women Can't Resist

Always wondered why some guys always manage to get the best of girls?

Well, the secret is not good looks or a well-defined six pack, but the fact that women simply get attracted to certain personality traits and flock to men who possess them.

Below are seven of these "ideal types" of guys that women are drawn to, and an explanation as to why these guys are so appealing.

The Romantic Guy
He believes in classic romance. He is constantly bringing her flowers and chocolate and lighting candles during dinner. He calls her often to let her know he is thinking about her and looks into her eyes and tells her how he feels


Why he is so irresistible: A woman loves to feel appreciated, and the romantic guy makes this happen. He uses romantic gestures to show her he is thinking about her. As an added bonus, she feels free to reciprocate and act on her own romantic tendencies.

The Confident Guy
He is totally secure and sure of himself. He is assertive in public and gives off an aura of power and control. In a relationship, he doesn''t get jealous of other men; he doesn''t feel threatened by his girlfriend''s male friends or co-workers.

Why he is so irresistible: Women are attracted to confident men. Consider this: If you think you are great, she will probably be influenced to think the same. The confident man doesn''t seek approval from women, and this makes them want him even more.

The Artistic Guy
The artistic guy is spontaneous and lives for the moment. Often, he will use his creativity to woo her, such as with a song he has written about her or a painting he has made for her.

Why he is so irresistible: Every woman wants to feel unique and special. There is no better way to make her feel this way than to use her as your muse or your source of inspiration. She is intrigued by the artistic guy''s creative mind and especially by the way he incorporates her into his art.

The Foreign Guy
He comes from a faraway exotic country and he might have a cute accent or a unique way of seeing the world. His social customs and everyday behaviour can be a little quirky, but he always manages to come off as uniquely charming.

Why he is so irresistible: Women often choose this kind of guy if they are curious about the world, but most of the appeal comes down to a fascination with dating someone from another culture.

The Free Spirit Guy (aka the Bad Boy)
The free spirit guy goes where the wind takes him - and the wind usually takes him on some kind of wacky adventure. He might ride a motorcycle, or he might skip work to take her on a last-minute road trip, but this guy doesn''t worry too much about the consequences- he just sees where his own devices take him.

Why he is so irresistible: Every woman wants a bit of a rebel. She loves his carefree attitude and hopes that it will rub off on her too. The bad boy spirit adds an element of youthfulness to the relationship and she loves to try taming him, although she knows she''ll never actually succeed.

The Intelligent/Witty Guy
He instigates conversations that are intellectually stimulating and listens to what she has to say in response. He makes her laugh with his clever sense of humour and has an uncanny ability to make politics interesting. He can shoot the breeze with her for hours and it will never get boring.

Why he is so irresistible: An intellectual connection is a big part of what sustains a relationship and if you can show her that you''ve got that, she''ll be hooked pretty quickly.

The Considerate Guy
He holds open her car door and pulls out her chair. He foots the bill for dinner and makes sure to offer her dessert. He always asks her out with reasonable notice and picks her up at her door. He is generally sensitive to how she is feeling and when she is ready to go home.

Why he is so irresistible: Once a woman has gone through her share of the bad guy, the rude guy and the not-calling-her-back guy, she will likely re-evaluate her priorities. It takes a bit of maturity on her part to realize this, but eventually most girls come around and realize that they want a guy who will treat them well in the long run.

But, think twice before copying any of the above character types, for women can know when you are faking it.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


We do get depressed at some point of our lives and no one is exempted. The first time you ever experience it, you struggle what to do or what to feel. But as you get depressed again and again you somehow learn how to cope with it. Each person has a different way on how to handle it. Here is mine:

  1. Listen to loud music especially Rage Against the Machines and Pearl Jam. These bands are my favorites and they are with me everytime I feel down.
  2. Eat a lot. Anything I can grab on, edible that is, I put it in my mouth. I just eat and eat and eat.
  3. I smoke. Yes, I smoke. No one knows even my family and closest friends because I don't let anyone see me when I'm smoking. Sorry Mom!
  4. I write poems. I don't know why but I can compose poems and I feel broken. Not that I can't when I'm happy. Its just that I get driven to write when I'm depressed.
  5. As I always tell myself, I'm a great pretender. I pretend to be happy when I'm not. I pretend to smile when my heart is crying. I pretend that I have moved on while all the while I am grieving.
These are the common things I do when I am depress. How about you?

Harder Than I Thought

Moving on has been a bit familiar with me since I've been into so many relationships. It's easy for me to let go and I already know how to handle all the emotions we go through when a love story comes to an end. But this one I'm into right now is all different. It has been 5 months and still I haven't made a single step forward. I still think about her. Worse, I still hope that one day she'll come knocking at my door again. The truth is, she already have someone else. "She moved on while I'm still grieving" as the song says. I'm telling my self everyday that I'm already over her but every time I look deep into my heart, she's still there. At the end of the day I'm still so hurting. The pain of losing her is ever present. I'm still agonizing and so broken. I always wish that she still loves me. Well I guess I fooled my self thinking that I already moved on because the truth is I'm still in love with her.

I can still taste my tears when she left me. I can still hear my words begging her not to go. I can still feel her last embrace as she bids farewell. But I do still love you... I'm so much in love with you.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Since You Came

for all the times that you were there,
be it a sunny or rainy weather.
even at the midst of your storm,
you picked me up when i was so torn.

you unceasingly cheer me up,
most often bringing me to a laugh.
an ear that is always ready to listen,
a radiant smile that always glisten.

the trees are swaying, the birds are singing.
the sun is warm and the clouds are dancing.
being with you is never a dull moment.
and meeting you is never an accident.

since you've been around i've been better.
how i wish we could always be together.
you and me together... forever.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Laugh Out Loud

I've never laughed so hard like this for a very long time till tonight. It's like I can't stop laughing at my picture and my friend's picture I've edited. A really good laugh. It left my jaw and belly aching. My heart pounding fast and I can barely breath. What a blast!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


It is difficult to demonstrate love when you feel little to no motivation but love in its truest sense is not based on feelings but a determination to show thoughtful actions even when there seems to be no reward.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


For once in my life I wasn't scared.
I once felt so important and alive.
You believed in me when many did not.
For once someone really cared for me.
For once I could smile and laugh.
For once I was wanted and needed.
My heart so joyfully sings with content.

When everything were so perfectly fitted
Fate played a different tune for us.
Once you did loved me or maybe not at all.
Because you left me with nothing but lies.
My world fell apart and my heart crushed.
You found someone else while I... sadness.

Once I'm done crying...
Once I'm done trying...
The world would start to smile at me again.

Once I'm over you...
Once I get through...
Love will wink and wave at me to start anew.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Do You Remember - Jay Sean

I’ve been thinking about you
And how we used to be then
Back when we didn’t have to end we could start again

There’s nothing left to say
Don’t waste another day
Just you and me tonight
Everything will be okay
If it’s alright with you then it’s alright with me
Baby let’s take this time let’s make new memories

(Lets go..)
Do you remember do you remember do you remember
All of the times we had
Do you remember do you remember do you remember
All of the times we had
Let’s bring it back (Bring it back!)
Let’s bring it back (Bring it back!)
Let’s bring it back (Bring it back!)
Let’s bring it back (Bring it back!)
Let’s bring it back...

(Yo Jay Sing, for these ladies!)

So long since you’ve been missing
It’s good to see you again
How you, how you doing
And how about we, don’t let this happen again...

(Lets go...)

There’s nothing left to say
Don’t waste another day
Just you and me tonight
Everything will be okay
If it’s alright with you then (hey) it’s alright with me (hey)
Baby let’s take this time (hey) let’s make new memories

(Lets go...)

Do you remember do you remember (Hey) do you remember (Oh yeah)
All of the times we had
Do you remember (Hey) do you remember do you remember (Hey)
All of the times we had
Let’s bring it back (Bring it back!) (Oh!)
Let’s bring it back (Bring it back!) (Oh!)
Let’s bring it back (Bring it back!) (Oh!)
Let’s bring it back (Bring it back!) (Oh!)

Yo ay girl yo bring it back to the time when you and me had just begun
When I was still your number one
Well it might seem far-fetched baby girl but it can be done
I’ve got this feeling fire blazing and it’s hot just like the sun
Know you feel it too my girl just free it up, mek the good vibes run
Gal take a sip of my champagne,
Take a little trip down my lane my girl
wild'n out every night and we feel alright,
mek me tell you this girl, That a my world.
nah change and we nah rearrange, hey girl mek me tell you this straight that a my word,
and me heard say you want come kiss this, cause girl you miss this

That’s what I heard (I heard)
that’s what I heard (I heard)
that’s what I heard (I heard)word girl

There’s nothing left to say
Don’t waste another day (Hey)
Just you and me tonight (Hey)
Everything will be okay (Hey)
If it’s alright with you (Hey) then it’s alright with me (Hey) Baby let’s take this time (Hey) let’s make new memories

(Lets go...)

Do you remember do you remember do you remember
All of the times we had
Do you remember (Hey) do you remember do you remember (Hey)
All of the times we had
Let’s bring it back (Let’s bring it back)
Let’s bring it back (Bring it back)
Let’s bring it back (Let’s bring it back)
Let’s bring it back (Oh)
Let’s bring it back

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It has been awhile since I last dated. Actually, I can't even remember when was the last time I went out on a date. But when a friend told me awhile ago that her friend wants to go out with me, it kinda made me smile. I mean it's so nice to know that someone would really want to go out with me. The girl was just waiting for me to ask her out. I must admit, it gave me a wonderful feeling.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


when i woke up, i hurriedly check on the screen
to see if i got some email from the one unseen.

when i see the messages button turns to red
if it's from someone else, i wish it's from you instead.

reading letters from you, it is a part of my day
it never ceases to make me smile i should say.

that day when i was so feeling sad and lonely
even when you're busy you spent time with me.

at my corniest jokes, you still laugh at them
understanding each other, makes us a tandem.

though we're miles away and hours apart
you are always here inside my beating heart.

i am your dear and you are my sweetie
you and me, together forever... indefinitely.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

God will always be BIGGER!

In life, we will always get disappointed, frustrated, hurt, and heart broken. We will always have problems to deal with and no matter how we try to escape from it, in the end, we'll always have to face it. But it doesn't matter how many times these obstacles bring us down on the ground, what's important is we'll always have to push ourselves up to stand again and learn from our mistakes. Whether we like it or not, they will always come in to our lives once in awhile if not that often. But these problems mold us into a better person. And God will never give us problems that we can never handle. Yes, often times when we face big problems, we tend to question God why it had to happen. Why is it so hard for us to thank God instead? That in spite of it, He will always help us to conquer that big problem. Because no matter how big our problem is, our God will always be BIGGER!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Everything to Nothing

I gave you you my everything
but you took it all away from me
and left me with nothing.

I offered you all of my love
but you threw it back to my face
and said you don't want it.

I handed you my broken heart
but instead of putting it together
you tore it apart even more.

i've waited for you
but you will never come back.
i've cried for you
but it can never bring you back.

what we had was something delightful
but it's gone now, blown by the wind.
what you are to me was something beautiful
but it's gone now, washed by the tides.
what i am to you was something wonderful
but it's gone now, not even in your memories.

i was your everything but now
i am down to a merely nothing...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

In Spite Of It All

even when your eyes were crying
you cheered me up with your kind words.
even when your face was frowning
you managed to make me smile anew.
even when you are feeling down
you pulled me up to my feet again.
even you were stuck in a situation
you gently taught me how to move on.
even when your heart was aching
you comforted me with your sweetness.

Unknowingly, you eased my pain.
Selflessly, you made me happy.
Passionately, you moved me from idleness.

In spite of all your heartaches and disappointments,
you unselfishly helped me overcome a mountain.

Thanks to you!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Found Friend

you just crossed my path unexpectedly.
you made me smile and laugh.
you helped me forget about her.

it felt like i've known you for a long time.
thank you so much for the friendship.
i'll always remember this day.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Come Back

How can I forget you
when all I can think of is you?
You're always in my mind and in my dreams.

How can I find someone new
when all I ever wanted is you?
You're the one I need, not a fresh start.

How can I not miss you
when all I long for is you?
You're a part of me that makes me complete.

How can I not love you
when all I can do is fall for you?
You're the reason why my heart beats fast.

How can I even move on
when all ever I do is cry for you?
You're my life... my evertyhing...
Please come back to me.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So exhausted. I can't think and write. Just watching Fiptop on Youtube. I'm not really hooked into it but I'm starting to like the English battles they have.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Everything Ends

a knot tied at my neck
a chair kicked down
a closed wind path

gasping for air to breath
trying not to struggle
everything dims
everything ends

a sharp thin blade
a slit on the wrist
a rushing blood spurts

fingers start to numb
twitching and trembling
everything blurs
everything ends

a cold shinning barrel
a blast on the temple
a tainted red wall

lying down inanimate
will grow pale soon
everything dies
everything ends

Sunday, January 9, 2011

When You Say "I Miss You"

When I think of you, everything seems brighter.
My weariness fades and my problems forgotten.
When I look at you, everything falls into place.
My heart beats faster and the time stands still.
When I say your name, everything sounds better.
My lips turn into a smile and inside me is a bliss.

But when you say "I miss you"...
Blue becomes a pallet of vibrant colors...
Broken parts are perfectly puzzled up...
Tears dry up and replaced with laughter...
Shattered hopes form into a dream...
Unwanted, now being cared and loved.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Something's Wrong

Very irritable. That's what I've noticed to myself. Could be because of my hyperthyroidism? Maybe I'm just so frustrated right now that things aren't going my way. Maybe a little of both. No matter the reason, it's making me seclude myself from others. I wanted to be alone and see no one. Just hanging out in my room. If not sleeping, doing nothing or be infront of my lappy. I'm not really sad but neither happy. Something's wrong with me. Maybe I should see a shrink.

Friday, January 7, 2011


For the past days I feel really tired and lousy. I feel sleepy of the time. Yesterday I slept 12 hours. But instead of feeling refreshed, I still feel weak and very passive. I'm becoming regretful and frustrated. So many thing I wished I've done in my life. So many things I want to be undone.

Right now I want to disappear. Maybe go to a place where no one knows me or sleep for weeks without waking up. But then again everything would still be the same. Not unless I will do something to change things. How can I? I don't have the slightest drive.

So empty. So incomplete. Messed up. Cracked up.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Getting Really Tired

Months have pass and I've really grown tired of my life. All same old routine. Everything means nothing. No direction and no drive at all. This is bull541t!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's Not Over

I was blown away.
What could I say?
It all seemed to make sense.
You've taken away everything,
And I can't deal with that.
I try to see the good in life,
But good things in life are hard to find.
We'll blow it away, blow it away.
Can we make this something good?
Well, I'll try to do it right this time around.

Let's start over.
I'll try to do it right this time around.
It's not over.
'Cause a part of me is dead and in the ground.
This love is killing me,
But you're the only one.
It's not over.

Taken all I could take,
And I cannot wait.
We're wasting too much time
Being strong, holding on.
Can't let it bring us down.
My life with you means everything,
So I won't give up that easily.
I'll blow it away, blow it away.
Can we make this something good?
'Cause it's all misunderstood.
Well, I'll try to do it right this time around.

Let's start over.
I'll try to do it right this time around.
It's not over.
'Cause a part of me is dead and in the ground.
This love is killing me,
But you're the only one.
It's not over.

We can't let this get away.
Let it out, let it out.
Don't get caught up in yourself.
Let it out.

Let's start over.
I'll try to do it right this time around.
It's not over.
'Cause a part of me is dead and in the ground.
This love is killing me,
But you're the only one.
It's not over.

Let's start over.
It's not over, yeah...
This love is killing me,
But you're the only one.
Its not over...

I'm still hoping it's not over between me and her. You're still hoping it's not over between you and him. Why does love get so complicated like this?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Goodbye - Secondhand Serenade

It's a shame that it had to be this way
It's not enough to say I'm sorry
It's not enough to say I'm sorry

Maybe I'm so blind or maybe we're the same
But either way I can't breathe
Either way I can't breathe

All I had to say is goodbye
We're better off this way
We're better off this way

I'm alive but I'm losing all my drive
'Cause everything we've been through
It's everything about you

Seem to be a lie, a countless, twisted lie
That made me learn to hate you
I hate myself for letting it pass by

All I had to say is goodbye
We're better off this way
We're better off this way

All I had to say is goodbye
We're better off this way
We're better off this way, hey

And every, everything isn't only what it seems
So hope these words that you never told me
It's time to say goodbye, it's time to say goodbye
It's time to say goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

Take my pain away
Tell me I, tell me I was wrong
Tell me I was wrong

Take my pain away
Tell me I, tell me I was wrong
Tell me I was wrong

Take my pain away
Tell me I, tell me I was wrong
Tell me I was wrong

Take my pain away
Tell me I, tell me I was wrong
Tell me I was wrong

Monday, January 3, 2011

Moving On

It has been months since you left me.
It felt like it was just yesterday.
The pain is still as intense.
My eyes are dried up but
my heart never ceases to cry.

I'm still calling out your name.
I'm still hoping you would return.
I'm still dreaming of you all day.

How can I forget you when all I do is think of you?
How can I find someone new when all I want is you?
How can I move on when all I want is to be with you?

Sunday, January 2, 2011


sometimes i feel tired of my life.
sometimes i feel tired of being alone.
sometimes i feel tired of doing failures.
sometimes i feel tired of my stupidity.
sometimes i feel tired of being stubborn.
sometimes i feel tired of doing nothing.

and often times i'm just tired of being alive.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!

A new beginning for me I hope. A better year than the previous one. A much better person and a good Christian in particular. I haven't been gone to church for a long time. I really really hope I could go to church on a regular basis. I pray I get to find a stable job. Bury the ill feelings, hatred, frustrations and self-pity. Face this new year with full of hopes and dreams. Aja! Aja!

Thank you Lord for this new year. I pray that you would continue to mold me into someone you want me to be. Make me a better person and a better Christian. Let your light shine upon me so that other may see how wonderful and marvelous You are.