Sunday, April 17, 2011
I'm So Sorry
Monday, April 11, 2011
Celery Might Be the New Viagra
We’re constantly learning more each day about the benefits of a healthy diet. Now it turns out that the unsexiest vegetable may be the best one for your sex life! Yes, it's true; new research goes to support the notion that men who eat celery are better at attracting mates.
It all comes down to pheromones. The consumption of celery leads to an increase in androstenone, a naturally-occurring steroid (artificial androstenone can actually be credited with Mark McGwire’s record-setting home runs). This stimulates pheromone production through sweat, which in turn functions as a biological aphrodisiac for women.
But that’s not all! According to Dr. Judy Gaman, Dr. Mark Anderson, and Dr. Walter Gaman, authors of the bookStay Young: Ten Proven Steps to Ultimate Health, celery has some other effects, too. It reportedly increases sex drive and leads to a more intense orgasm.
What’s the best way to get maximum results from eating celery? “We recommend that a guy work out, have a nice warm shower, chomp on a few sticks of celery, brush his teeth, and then head out the door smelling good,” said Gaman, et al.
For those who are interested, other great aphrodisiacs include:
• Asparagus
• Almonds
• Avocados
• Bananas
• Basil
• Chocolate
• Figs
• Garlic
• Oysters
• Honey
Most of these foods simply function to increase overall circulation, so getting your blood pumping through regular exercise can be a great aphrodisiac as well. And remember that no matter what research goes to show, living a healthy life is your best means of achieving sexual satisfaction.