Wednesday, January 19, 2011

God will always be BIGGER!

In life, we will always get disappointed, frustrated, hurt, and heart broken. We will always have problems to deal with and no matter how we try to escape from it, in the end, we'll always have to face it. But it doesn't matter how many times these obstacles bring us down on the ground, what's important is we'll always have to push ourselves up to stand again and learn from our mistakes. Whether we like it or not, they will always come in to our lives once in awhile if not that often. But these problems mold us into a better person. And God will never give us problems that we can never handle. Yes, often times when we face big problems, we tend to question God why it had to happen. Why is it so hard for us to thank God instead? That in spite of it, He will always help us to conquer that big problem. Because no matter how big our problem is, our God will always be BIGGER!

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