Sunday, February 27, 2011

Harder Than I Thought

Moving on has been a bit familiar with me since I've been into so many relationships. It's easy for me to let go and I already know how to handle all the emotions we go through when a love story comes to an end. But this one I'm into right now is all different. It has been 5 months and still I haven't made a single step forward. I still think about her. Worse, I still hope that one day she'll come knocking at my door again. The truth is, she already have someone else. "She moved on while I'm still grieving" as the song says. I'm telling my self everyday that I'm already over her but every time I look deep into my heart, she's still there. At the end of the day I'm still so hurting. The pain of losing her is ever present. I'm still agonizing and so broken. I always wish that she still loves me. Well I guess I fooled my self thinking that I already moved on because the truth is I'm still in love with her.

I can still taste my tears when she left me. I can still hear my words begging her not to go. I can still feel her last embrace as she bids farewell. But I do still love you... I'm so much in love with you.

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