Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fried Chicken and Chocolates

Not my usual day. I went to SM to unwind a little. It was Saturday so the place was filled with people. I hate crowds. It makes my head swirl. The only good thing about it is that I can see lots of pretty girls(hehe). I was with a my best friend Joseph. I haven't seen him for quite sometime. I told him "chix chix sa ta d lagi ko mo sumbong kay mommy(his wife and a very good friend of mine too)". We had a good laugh. It was actually relaxing and fun. We ate at KFC and ordered 4 burgers and some fries. It's always nice to have real friends around.

I promised Miss Purple to bring her "pasalubong". She doesn't want to tell me what she wants but nonetheless I was able to made her spit it out. Fried Chicken and Chocolates. I bought her 3 bars of Snickers and I was so right about it because she was also thinking about Snickers. I can read her mind. Nah! It was just a good hunch. As for the fried chicken, I invited her for dinner at my place. It has been days since I saw her so I made lots of alibis just for me to see her. I really wanted to cook for her but time didn't allow it. Hopefully, she loves spaghetti. I can cook that well. I might be able to impress her. After dinner we watched a horror film - Haunting in Connecticut. Oh we also took some pictures. Well, I just wanted to have pictures of her, that's all. She went home around 1 in the morning.

I'm kinda missing her already. When she's around I feel wanted. I feel happy and carefree. All my problems just simple fade away when I get to see her. How I wish I could get to see her more often.

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