Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tiring Day

This is a long and tiring day for me. Super busy attending to our customers' needs. Haven't got a break the whole 15 hours. Almost no time to eat. I'm feeling hungry and dizzy. I was suppose to go at a police precinct to blotter someone but I was so caught up with work at our internet cafe. I;m so craving right now for pizza, burger, fries and ice cream.

Someone emailed me this morning. I think he feels threatened and jealous because Purpz and I are seeing each other. He even told what to do and not to do. Pfft! You have no slightest right to tell me that. And don't act like you're the boyfriend because you're not. Whether you like it or not, you are only a friend to her just like me. And don't go telling me who I am because you don't know a thing about me. Don't tell me I don't care for her as much as you do because you don't know what I am feeling. Do your self a favor - back off.

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